Privacy Policy

Frictionless Checkout at Stadiums & Arenas Maximizes Fan Experience & Revenue
Shopping Made Better

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement applies to the processing of all personal data of website visitors during the use of the website of AiFi Inc. (hereinafter referred to as: AiFi).


The purpose of this privacy statement is to be transparent about the way AiFi collects, uses, and protects your personal data. We also explain how we comply with privacy laws. Please read this statement carefully to understand how we handle your personal data.


AiFi Vendor Code of Conduct

AiFi OASIS Privacy Policy

AiFi Console Privacy Policy

Terms of Use


Despite our best efforts, unfortunately we can’t guarantee our website is always up to date, error-free, accessible or complete. Neither can we guarantee the continuous availability and smooth operation of the website. AiFi Inc. may suspend the availability of our website, for example in connection with modification or maintenance. In addition, we reserve the right to remove, modify or discontinue the information and services offered on the website without prior notice.


You may not use this website in any way that could hinder us, the other users of the website or other third parties and/or otherwise affect the proper functioning of the website, and/or the underlying software.


Without prejudice to our other rights, we reserve the right to (henceforth) deny you further access to the website and the services offered thereon without prior notice if you act unlawfully towards AiFi or third parties.


All intellectual property rights in this website, including the (collection of) texts, visual material, sound material, trademarks, data files, software and all other works you may access through the website, belong exclusively to AiFi or its licensors.


Our site may also have links to third-party websites. We’re not responsible for the information these websites provide and cannot be held liable for anything that comes from a third party.

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Harnessing the Power of AI to Make Shopping Better for Everybody